WASH in Health Care facilities Road Map & Guidelines Development current update for Papua New Guinea

National Department of Health

Papua New Guinea has progress to stage 4 of the 8 Practical steps for WASH in HCF as per the World Health Assembly.

As per the the Development of WASH in HCF Road Map & the WASH in HCF Guidelines for Papua New Guinea an situational analysis was conducted in 2022. Upon the situational analysis it formed the basis of developing the Road Map & the Guidelines. After the situational analysis a Technical Working Committee was established to oversee the development of the Road Map & the Guidelines. The Committee consisted Government Departments, Agencies and International Organizations, Donors and WASH Stakeholders.

The Technical Working was established in late 2022 and the Development of the WASH in HCF Road and the WASH in HCF guidelines was developed concurrently. The WASH In HCF Road Map and the WASH in HCF Guidelines was completed in 2023 and went through the validation and approval process of the National Department of Health. The approval of the Documents was done the PNG National Health Board in December 2023. And finally the documents was launch in 13th of April 2024 (this year) for implementation. The documents are currently available for implementation. This the current update for Papua New Guinea

Story shared by Mr. Ray Kangu
WASH Program Officer
National Department of Health
Papua New Guinea